How to start and grow your business online?
Last week was the first free webinar about how to start and grow your online business organized by Matthieu Zeilas, co-founder of Lucky paradise coliving and serial-entrepreneurs.
If you have not had the opportunity to participate, here are some key points to help you to start and grow your online remote business:
1. Set up your happiness road
To be 100% invested in your business every day, you have to create a daily routine, of course, but how? First of all, pick your area and get specialized watching tutorials, sitting on webinars, read blog posts, or benchmark
successful competitors…Get inspiration to the other.
To optimize your busy days because and give yourself a deadline, write 3 goals you would have to achieve : short, middle, and long terms. It would be your charter to be the focus on your final objectives.
Happiness is all about meeting new people, you can’t stay in your bubble. Go to have a coffee in a coworking place, spend a month in a coliving, adopt the digital nomad’s way of life. As when traveling, sharing with new brains allows us to be confronted with different points of view. Being in contact with divergent realities and thoughts is a source of personal and permanent enrichment and can only nourish your soul and open mind.
Once you know your direction, you can start online marketing, there is no online business without marketing. The most important thing is to build a community to get known.
2. Use the biggest social media
One of the beautiful things about social media is how concrete it is without spending money. It’s free and so easy to create profiles on most platforms and can put forward the concept in front of potential customers.
Facebook is strongly recommended, the biggest and most growing social media. Very easy to have personal information from your targets. It is not enough to share random information. You may post pertinent and targetted content, your audience will want to read and participate in
the animation of the page. It depends on the way you want to communicate with your followers but the interaction with your community is primordial if you want to succeed.
The best strategy for your social media development is to respect 3 actions to do per day.
3 steps to take advantage of it :
– Start with 1 social media and don’t be distracted, set up your image, your convictions, find your competitors, and scale up after to the others. It’s recommended to have 2 or 3 social media, not more.
– Profile your pages, introduce yourself, add a cover, and set up your business page, link your statistics.
– Start your Facebook group to have a better look at your audience and get information and details.
3. Sell your product/service
To define simply a sales funnel it’s a process designed to guide visitors toward a buying decision.
Let’s look at the sales funnel of one of the best success nowadays: Netflix.
First of all, if you focus on the start of the Netflix sales funnel template, you will notice that the landing page is simple and designed. Using 3 colors on a dark background, its marketing uses a big headline to display its attractive offer- « All of Netflix. Free for 30 days ».
Use color codes, make visibility, create an experience, explain the risk-free trial to attract potential customers are the keys to success.
Another good example, if you cancel by default, it pre-selects the premium plan to maximize cart value. But you can easily select the other two cheaper options if you prefer.
The pricing in the sales funnel is clear and you’re not locked in, there is an emphasis on security.
Netflix is very good at building trust with its customers. For example, they let their number on the platform to contact them for any problem which is not the case with all the big companies. Trust leads to purchases, they make us want to try the experience. They also give something for free to
retain their leads.
To sum up, use specific online software to build your strategy, build it simple and clear. The main goal is to create an experience to facilitate the path of the customer.
It’s an easy and playful way to convert to purchase building trust and fidelity.
To end with, it’s primordial to collect customer data and encourage them to leave a review.
4. Raise your organic traffic
Organic marketing allows you to know more about your customers, your target, and the audience with a study of statistics and customer reviews.
3 tips to understand better your audience & grow :
Listen to your audience, ask questions, provide value.
For instance, propose free content webinars with experts, write articles about your business or subjects related to it.
People will trust you and will be ready to pay you for your specialty, your expertise. They will be your own ambassador and will start to talk about you positively, perfect to bring new leads.
Brand awareness is the first stage of the marketing funnel.
By creating brand awareness, you can cast a wide net across your audience of potential buyers. From there, you can funnel leads towards the research and decision-making processes, and eventually the buying process.
5. Start your advertisement campaign
Once you have your organic outreach in place, you want to do it on a daily basis to see the evolution of your improvement.
As soon as you have your funnel and organic outreach, you can structure that into a paid advertisement by building your lookalike audience and customize the audience to keep your business growing but remember you are competing with all the world.
From your first audience, you can start paid advertisement then automates more steps of your business and start spread out on different social media platforms, scale-up with your best message, and repeat the action. Then, you can probably use a video, editing it on a proper format for
Youtube on a 10 minutes version.
You can start right now and begin boosting the future of your presence on Internet, building your own success with successful methods that already helped many entrepreneurs to become digital nomads and work remotely.
All it really takes is effort and imagination.
Register here to replay this webinar
Matthieu Zeilas and Lucky Paradise team have created a complete web-marketing masterclass to go further in your strategy and boost your marketing online. Here is the link
If you’re interested in joining the Lucky Paradise coliving- coworking place in one of the best places to live in the World: Mallorca Island (the Balearic Islands, Spain) to live, work, and grow with like-minded people for your next remote work experience, feel free to visit our coliving page and quickly fill out the form below: there are still a few spots available!
Keep rocking!
The Lucky paradise team